
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

This is an interview that I just did for the Tikhonovavirtual Confidence Center. Let me know what you think :) What made you realize you wanted to do this, what did you do next to put you plan into action? I was unemployed and unhappily married. Everything felt wrong until I decided that I needed to do something, anything really that would help me remember who I really was and not the sad shell of me that had taken over operations. I decided to go to an audition for a community theatre that was over an hour away. I drove through a snowstorm and was running late when my tire blew out on a particularly aggressive pothole (it took out the girl ahead of me as well!) I explained to the tow truck driver when he arrived how terribly wrong my day had gone and that the only reason I traveled though the miserable storm was for an audition that started 2 hours before and would close in 5 minutes. I asked him what I should do and he replied, "You will never know unless you go." So I went, late and fairly shaken up. When I finally got there I realized that the other girls reading for the role were all speaking with a southern drawl, which is a pretty big detail to miss. However I managed to pull myself together and spectacularly ooze a southern drawl and absolutely nail the audition, or so I thought anyways. What keeps you going everyday, what ideas and feelings, what goals for the future? I must believe that everything will work out for the best even when it seems like nothing is working according to plan. The universe will provide everything that we need if we open ourselves to it. If a project falls apart or something it is usually just clearing space in my life for something bigger and better to happen. My main goal in life is to be happy so if I can find things, even small joys in my day everyday I know that I am on the right track. What is some unexpected help you got when you needed in business, that was a miracle in the perfect timing? Perfect timing is the key to my business. Being somewhere, meeting someone, or doing anything for that matter at the right time can make or break you everyday. Be aware. Keep your heart, mind and eyes open at all times. You never know what will happen next so just enjoy the moment. Look around you. Armed with your experience and wisdom from your past, as you stay in the present moment, with a childlike anticipation of the future. If you could give some advice on finding your vision and strain on course, what things does a person need? Having a strong support system is paramount. This includes people in your life that are supportive of you and your dreams. Don't waste your time on people who do not support you or are unwilling to accept your love and support, you don't have time for negativity if you are pursuing your hearts desire. If you get stuck or anxious, do something different for at least 30 minutes. Meditate, listen to music, go for a walk, whatever you like do to clear your head. Watch for inspiration and detachment as once your mind is clear your thoughts and actions can follow. The world can be a tough enough place so don't beat yourself up too much. Tomorrow is another day and each moment there is room for everything to change. Just relax :) What should a person focus on, and do? What can you tell someone who is just starting out? Believe in yourself and never give up on that belief. I've always known that I was an incredibly talented and creative individual but didn't always know what to do with that knowledge. The trick is to not allow yourself to forget the good things about yourself. Hold on to the truths that you have discovered about yourself and let them shine so that everyone else can enjoy your gifts as well. Set goals and meet them. 3 words to describe your business Creative Problem Solving

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